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Vehicle Additives
At CEROIL we have additives for the engine, radiator, brakes, antifreeze, coolants, consumption economizer, anti-smoke, diesel enhancers, leak stoppers, anti-friction… and many more that you can find in our online store. We have the best chemical solutions for vehicles, being specialized in cars, motorcycles, industrial vehicles and nautical makes us to become a referrer of vehicle additives.
What are additives?
Car or other vehicle additives are a chemical substance added to an existing product to improve its performance. The additives help our vehicles to clean the engine and lubricate, which guarantees the correct operation of the vehicle, as well as guaranteeing the conditions of the catalyst and the functioning of the combustion system. Currently the proportion of additives used in current engines varies between 15% and 30% depending on the type of engine and fuel.
Types of Additives
Depending on the engine and fuel that our car or vehicle consumes, we find different types of additives for it:
Additives for Diesel
Engine cleaning additives, which dissolve internal engine deposits.
Fuel additives, which when mixed with the diesel in our vehicle improve performance.
Anti-smoke additives, to control and reduce the emission of smoke.
Antifreeze additives, which will increase the minimum temperature at which our engine can operate without freezing problems.
Gasoline Additives
Additive for a two-stroke engine, it reduces the friction of engine parts.
Fuel additive neutralizes the acids in gasoline, improving its qualities.
Cleaning additives, like diesel additives, will help dissolve internal sediments inside the engine.
Lead substitute additives, which will reduce wear and protect the cylinders to avoid friction.

Ceramic Technology
Our chemical solutions are based on ceramics, a very technically advanced product, which provides great lubricating and antifriction properties, generating great advantages:
- Reduces friction and wear due to its ceramic components that support extremely high chemical and thermal loads.
- Reduces fuel consumption in gasoline and diesel engines, and remains active for a minimum period of 50,000 km.
- Increases the useful life of the motor by preventing metal-to-metal contact.

With our chemical solutions for vehicles, you will reduce fuel consumption.
Besides helping the engine maintenance, Ceroil products significantly reduce fuel consumption.
The ITV Treatment-Kit Economizer is our star product since it bases its success on reducing fuel consumption, reaching – 15% savings.

At Ceroil we like to be respectful with the environment and we are committed since our products collaborate in its protection.
Our sustainability objectives go beyond reducing the impact on the environment, since they take into account aspects that make the growth of our business linked to the development of new products and sustainable solutions that are safer an better from the point of environmental view.
In addition, our chemical solutions for vehicles reduces CO2 exposure to air.